Refund Policy

1. General Policy:
At Silicon Rubble, we strive to deliver high-quality IT consulting services including software development, website creation, app development, and other IT solutions. Our refund policy is designed to ensure customer satisfaction while maintaining fairness to both parties.

2. Scope of Refund:
Refunds may be considered for services that have not met the agreed-upon specifications or standards. Each refund request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis considering the details of the project and the terms of the service agreement.

3. Refund Request:
To initiate a refund request, clients must contact us within [Specify Time Period] of service delivery. The request should be submitted in writing to [Your Contact Email or Address], clearly stating the reasons for the refund.

4. Evaluation Process:
Upon receiving a refund request, Silicon Rubble will conduct a thorough evaluation of the project to determine the validity of the claim. This process may involve reviewing project documentation, deliverables, and communication records.

5. Limitations:
Refunds are not applicable in the following scenarios:

  • Delays caused by the client, such as late submission of required information or materials.
  • Changes in the client’s requirements after project initiation.
  • Services already completed as per the agreed terms.

6. Refund Amount:
If a refund is deemed appropriate, the amount will be calculated based on the work completed, project expenses, and any other relevant factors. Partial refunds may be offered where part of the service has been satisfactorily delivered.

7. Processing:
Refunds will be processed within [Specify Number of Days] of the decision. The refund will be made using the original payment method, unless otherwise agreed.